Monday, August 6, 2012

The Whole Deal

I find myself more and more everyday becoming the domestic woman I once couldn't stand. :) 

Katie struggles with digestion problems.  Trying several different food types with no success has almost left me throwing my hands up in the air almost convincing myself that daily fiber supplements would be a new way of life for us.  In conversation with my sister, she informed me of the benefits cooking traditionally.  This included a lot of high fat foods, animal fat for cooking, preparation of whole grains, whole raw milk, no processed foods, no vegetable oils, and no store bought dressings(high fructose corn syrup). I laughed at this idea knowing that Wal-Mart was my primary source for groceries and this task seemed impossible.  It would mean going to farms, buying grain in bulk, and tons of hours in the kitchen.  And, didn't she know how the government warns that high fats are bad for us?  And besides, who has that kind of time? 

So I started researching myself why this diet would be beneficial.  Sure, the plant based diet liberals believe all animal fat causes us heart attacks.  Everyone had so much controversy concerning the pro's and con's of plant based vs animal based diets.  I leave the politics to my husband!  I thought about starting at a place that I knew to be proven truth in my life.  The Bible.  

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.  Genesis 9:3

And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it. 8And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat. Genesis 18:7-8

So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.  Exodus 3:8

Abraham was declared by God to be a righteous man.  In Genesis 18, Abraham (and Sara) prepared a meal for very special visitors.  I don't imagine Abraham worried about the dangers of raw milk or eating animal meat as he sat down to feed the visitors of Lord.   I'm certain he didn't send Sara to the store to fetch some crackers or pasteurized milk.  According to Genesis 25 Abraham lived to be 175 years old!  

Well, I have to say that I am still learning preparation methods and niches to this diet; so far from the foods I have prepared using this diet, Katie is off the fiber supplements and is now on a daily BM schedule (TMI!)  Another added benefit: I have officially lost 3lbs in less than a week! (and I even cheated this weekend :))

The benefit to eating whole unprocessed foods is that you get to tour the farm where you purchase!  (The Farmers are friendly and invite you to come pet the animals and have picnics) You know what the cows are eating!  It increases your digestibility and vitamin/mineral absorption by proper preparation just like our ancestors knew to do. Proper preparation neutralizes the phytic acid found naturally in foods.  Phytic acid is anit-nutrient and it makes some minerals unabsorbable such as zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium.  By proper neutralization, it causes the minerals, vitamins, and nutrients to be properly absorbed by the body.  Just one example iron: The main job of iron is to help carry oxygen from the lungs to muscles and vital organs. People low on Iron not only have headaches but are irritable and fatigued.  This is due to the oxgen not properly being circulated.  You might be reading and thinking, 'Well, I'll just pop an iron supplement pill and fix that!'.  Sounds great but if you are putting anti-iron absorbing foods in your body, will that really work?  Processed foods are linked to cancer, hair loss, heart disease, and etc...the list goes on! 

Preparation for this diet actually has caused Katie to be assisting me more in the kitchen, which she truly enjoys!  She has now become my full time wheat grinder. Preparing the foods haven't been too much of a hassle, it mostly requires thinking ahead.  Though I am still waiting on my Nourishing Traditions cook book to come in the mail, I am making recipes I have found from Sara Pope's blog, Florida's chapter leader for Weston A Price foundation. If anyone is interested, here are the links below. 

Weston A Price link:   
Sara Pope's blog  

Katie the wheat grinder :) 

I made my first batch of yogurt last night! 

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