Friday, August 24, 2012

School's out! Bread's in!

School is officially whatawegonna do?  COOK! 

Seems Katie and I have found a new shared passion.

We started 8 days ago making a sourdough bread starter.  Coolest thing ever!
 You start with one cup of freshly ground rye and 1 cup of water...making a soupy mixture. After 6 days or so of "feeding"  it daily and changing to a fresh bowl daily, (feeding=1 cup of rye and about 3/4 cup filtered water) it will produce a frothy looking substance on the top. It will have a wine aroma.  After the frothy stage, you know it's ready.  We have officially captured natural yeasts in the air.  This bread was made with pure naturalness.  Is that a word?

Sourdough starter

Then you add some more freshly ground flour, (6 cups, tsp of sea salt, and 1 1/4 cup filtered water. This happened to be hard winter wheat)
It helps to have a pretty assistant :)

Mix the flour in will get a nice arm workout 

Then, you get your hands really dirty with super scary faces.  Knead 10-15 mins: 

Still Kneading: 
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Then you leave your assistant in charge to tend to the beef stock cooking.  HEY!  I hope she washed her hands when she grabbed the camera.  Most of you could skip this step.   
We don't do glamour in the kitchen :) 

It's about ready to bake!

Let sit for 4-12 to rise.  Stick it in the oven at 350 for an hour.  

I have fixed the comments where you need not a live ID or anything fancy to comment.  Just use the anonymous drop down option but at least tell me who you are! 

"Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof..."  Ezekiel 4:9


  1. I'd like to see a pic of the bread after it has baked. I bet it was delicious. 2 beautiful women in the kitchen. What a great way to spend time together! Love Y'all...Mimi

  2. Well, I did not get a picture! We didn't let it rise quite long enough so it's not so fluffy lol
