Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Churning butter is for the birds!

The amazing thing about buying raw milk is that the cream is on the top!.  This thick sweet yummy cream on top is not only full of nutrients and good fats but it's useful in recipes, coffee...for making butter...you name it!  But grass-fed butter is hard to come by, especially non-pasteurized. You just don't find it in the store. Sooooo today, I am attempting to make butter from the cream.  I have started the process and am ready to punch my blender!  Here's what I've done:

Started with non-pasteurized farm milk.  

See the faint line with the arrow?  Yup, that's the cream!

Suction the cream out with a turkey baster. 

Let it sit until room temperature.  Put the cream in the blender and turn it on low...then high.  Then after 20 mins or longer,  I put the blender in the bathroom because it's TOO LOUD and has been on way too long! :) 

After almost an hour, here's what I have: 

That's right!  NO BUTTER!  What's the deal?  

So I get out my mom's 1980's blender that she used for my baby food.  All the older people talk about how "they just don't make 'em the way they used to" so this should work. I was hoping there was a "butter" speed on it.  Awe darn.  there wasn't.  

My mom actually bargained with me to throw this bad boy away by buying me a new one.  Don't tell her I have it ;)
After 15 mins in the good ol' blender, all I have is a frothy cream-shake.  This is where you start looking up scriptures about patience. :)   

Watch how easy it is for this lady on youtube:  Click here

In the old days, they would put it on the back of the wagon for a trip and all the shaking would cause it to churn into butter.  You can put it in a jar and shake it for 10-15 mins.  You can also use a kitchen mixer to make butter.  Why isn't this working?!  Could I have accidentally suctioned out milk into the cream and it's too thin?  Who knows?        

My conclusion is that I am going to beg my sister to start making butter for us now :)  he he he 

To be continued

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.  Gal 6:9


  1. After reading your un-successful butter making article, the only thing I can think of is that the blender is churning the cream too fast...Is that possible?, Good luck buttercup! LOL Love Y'all - Mimi

  2. I don't know!
    Did you watch the you tube link? That lady made it in 7 mins on high speed! Grrr :)
    Jeramey has reminded me of his frail state and how its sad that he will be deprived of butter because his wife can't make it. :) I'll show him....lol
