Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sharpies and Red Pens

I LOVE first grade!  

I think my Katie might just love it too!    

Lot's of writing on the board, teaching to read, writing, excitement, fun games, tests, grades...etc.  

Yesterday, I filled out Katie's work assignments.  Since she rarely asks me to help her read directions anymore (I am guessing she has memorized sight words or is sounding them out), I have to check on her independent work fairly often.  Upon checking her progress, she was already pages past her assignment in Math.  I had no problem with this except that it was a practice exercise to follow up the next two days of math assignments to teach.  Her eagerness excited me!  I love getting the red pen out and grading.  Praising her excellence!  I love everything about school!  Me, her...together...learning! 

I not only love my child, but I like her.  All the time.  Every moment.  Praise be to God.   

Yesterday she asked me, "Mom, in what grade did you decide to quit school?"   I told her I did not complete 11th or 12th grade.  She said to me, "So all these grades you are teaching me, you have done before besides 11th and 12th? Aren't you excited that we get to learn 11th and 12th grade together? Mom why did you drop out of school?"

My response to her was, " Because I hated it.  The kids, the teachers, learning, getting up, getting dressed.  But I am not that same person anymore.  And honey, I wouldn't ask you to do anything I couldn't do." 

Dropping out of high school is just one example of the "giving up" lifestyle attitude I adopted starting at a young age.  When the tough got going, I would cave and retreat to the simple, safe, less painful....less challenging road.  I love Proverbs 1.  It says "Wisdom crieth without: she uttereth her voice in the streets:  She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates; in the city she uttereth her words saying, How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?  and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?  Turn you at my reproof: behold I will pour out my SPIRIT unto you, I will make known my words unto you." 

 I could go on but the message is clear for destruction of the ones who don't respond to the call of higher wisdom of God.  

If you have never experienced the power God has to transform lives for yourself, then you will try to diagnose, human reason, or explain away why I am who I am today.  

Why do I love something I once hated?  (school is just one example) Why do I hate the wrong things I once loved?  

It's not about growing up or maturing, or any of those things.  Plenty of people die of old age (if they make it) still addicted to drugs or bitter, still uneducated, still slothful, unchallenged, grouchy, and hating the person they are and the life they live.  Most of their family members and friends they have left can barely stand their presence and are angry at them because they don't understand why these people don't have the power to change what they've become.  

What our world calls love is really a strong liking.  Love is deeper than mere tolerance.  Most people divorce and remarry only for their new marriage to head down the same path of their previous marriage.  Sometimes with the knowledge that it is on the wrong path or the denial that it wont.  Why can't they fix it?  Why do Jeramey and I have something different than most marriages?  Who helped us?  No human can take credit as we had no daily counsel from ANYONE!   How do we know of this deep love? 

God is the ONLY way.  He imparts wisdom and power into our very beings to change and strengthen our weaknesses.  We DO NOT posses this on our own apart from him. 

I can explain why I love school,  my husband, red pens, and the smell of sharpies now (hey, I'm just being goofy about the sharpies) and I can thank the most wonderful, loving, full of Grace, Father that I have the privilege of tasting just a tiny bit of His wisdom.  Lord lift our veils. 

For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.  But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;"  Titus 3

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