Monday, September 17, 2012

Obedience, Trial and Error, and God's Grace

I had a friend say to me, "What does Obedience look like, I don't even know!"

I love how God can take our biggest mistakes and put His Word into action in our lives.  

Here's yet another life lesson we've all learned. 

I've mentioned before in my blog that Katie's job is to feed our dogs.  Our oldest dog, Samantha, has been Katie's pet since she can remember. Charlie has been our sweet little addition.  Some of Sam's most admirable traits is her wonderful patience and temperament.  Samantha would lie still and quiet while Katie would dress her up in children's clothing, scarfs, goggles, name it.  She's often had tea parties in the tent castle with Katie!   (she's tiny for her breed) They've been buds since Katie was about 18 months old!

We have noticed Samantha has become a little aggressive with Charlie.  Now, Charlie is a bit annoying so I understood!  We brought him home as a puppy and he's been terrorizing her since.  Not only that, but now he's bigger than her..and a clutz!  Plus, she's been in heat!  ladies, we know what that's like!  :)   

Saturday, Katie spent all morning outside playing with the dogs.  When she noticed the food bowl was empty, she filled it up.  When she placed the bowl outside, Samantha began circling the bowl attacking at Charlie whenever he came near to eat.  Sam has never liked to share her food with Charlie but human supervision has always corrected this issue.  

I asked Katie to separate the food into two piles.  She came in to let me know that her task had been complete.  I looked outside and noticed Samantha was now guarding both of the piles and attacking at Charlie when he tried to come near. 

"Katie, you may go outside but DO NOT touch the dog's food."  I said to her.  
"Yes maam."  she replied

Minutes later, Katie came to me crying, "Mom, Sam just did the meanest thing.  She bit me!"  As I examined the skin, the bite was small, no breaking of the skin, but there were teeth marks and all.  

I asked, "Did you touch the food?"  She said, "Yes, she was eating and I was trying to fix the pile and she barked at me, then bit me."  

I said, "When I tell Daddy, he is going to put her down.  He has always taught us if a dog bites a human, it can never be trusted again."  She immediately began crying, pacing the backdoor, praying and pleading, "Lord, everyone makes mistakes.  God please save her life.  She is a good dog!  I love her!  God please!"  I agreed with Katie a little, I have known Sam her whole life and my compassion wanted to save this dog who had a bad day!  Katie's safety comes first however.  

Her ultimate trust in Sam caused her to feel comfortable to touch the food.  She could not imagine Sam doing anything wrong.  Her own reasoning caused her to disobey me.  How many of us can relate to that?  We deceive ourselves into thinking disobedience is okay since we know it all.   

I was already figuring in my mind how I could convince Jeramey to build a dog run for her.  She could go in it while Katie was outside.  

So when daddy came home, he called us girls into the kitchen and said, "Say goodbye to Sam."  She laid so sweetly on the floor with her leash on while we cried on her and said our sorrowful goodbyes.  I wanted to beg him and plead to him to stop being cruel and give her another chance!  She's never ever, not once, shown any aggression towards any human!  EVER! 

I could have used my persuasiveness to convince him to spare her life but I know the bible says, " Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church.Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing"  Submission does not come easy to anyone, no matter the circumstance.  My ultimate trust in my reasoning could have caused me to disobey his decision.   

If it would have been my choice, I would have done things differently.  However, when I felt his choice was wrong, I turned to God. 
I prayed to God that if her punishment was just, let her die.  But if her punishment was harsh, to spare her life.  

Shortly after, my husband came walking into the living room with Sam.  He said, "The law states we have to wait 10 days before euthanizing an animal who has bitten a human.  They have already documented the bite, there is nothing I can do but keep her for 10 days."  He said, "I just can't shoot her, we've had her too long."   I said, "Can I put an ad on craigslist for someone to adopt a cattle dog?"  He said, "Yes, but don't neglect to tell them she bit a human."  

I received some criticism from a craigslist reader about attempting to euthanize Samantha.  Wives, standing with your husband is not always going to be the popular route. But it was worth it as you will see! 

Here's the email that saved her life. 
"Do u still have ur beautiful heeler? Id love to give her a forever home! We have no children and live on 20 acres w horses and two other dogs including a red heeler..we recently lost our our older blue heeler female and we miss her greatly! It amazes me how much she looks our grace..

This Saturday we will be taking Sam out to this farm where she can be a real cattle dog! :)   

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

Did Katie learn the consequences of disobedience?  Absolutely
Did Katie learn prayer works?  YES! :)  
Did I learn to turn to God regarding my opinion of my husband's choices?  Absolutely
Did Jeramey learn haste makes waste?  I don't know lol (I'm sure he's reading this!)
Did God's grace cover our situation?  You bet!

Was God true to His word to work everything out for the good of those who love Him?  Amen

To trust your husband is to trust in God who has placed him as your authority.   Not trusting that your husband is perfect, but trusting that God is. 

To God be the glory. 

""Two sparrows are sold for a penny, aren't they? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's permission. "  Matthew 10:29

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