Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tempting Fruit

Before, I have made mention of how our curriculum runs parallel to events and circumstances in our home. Today hit right on as usual!  

Katie told me this morning that she had a terrible dream last night.  She said, "The Devil told me in a dream last night not to obey you and Daddy anymore.  It was so scary but I didn't believe him because I know he's a liar.  I told him 'No! I won't follow you'." 

Katie has God's wisdom beyond her years.   

Today, our curriculum was about how the devil tricked Eve in the garden.  Here's what a part of our story said, "Wicked Satan said, "No, you won't die.  God knows that if you eat from that tree you will become very smart.  You'll know all about good, and all about evil.  You'll be just like gods yourself.......Satan is a liar, and the Bible says he is the father of all liars.  If we lie, who are we acting like?  Yes, Satan.  The Bible says God hates lies, and He loves truth." 

It reminds me how from day one Satan had his eye on Eve.  When women were created, we were created for a specific purpose, to be a helpmeet.  Genesis 2:18  A help meet is defined as a one who helps or a suitable helper.  Eve was created to become one with Adam Genesis 2:24 and also to become a helper.  We were made from a man, intended to help a man.  Genesis 2:22.  Women need not be offended by this because we are created perfectly to be wonderful helpers. And the two together have all attributes of God combined. 

Since the day of creation, Satan waited and waited for the weaker vessel to be created.  "For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in transgression." 1 Timothy 2;13-14  God had made her by nature to be responsive and naive.  (Who else would help a man willingly? :)) The source of Eve's failure was that she wasn't willing to believe God or her husband when she was told of the consequences of eating from the tree.  Seeking a higher position in being "like the god's" Genesis 3:5, she ate of the fruit and caused the downfall of human kind.  Satan was able to deceive her the moment she left Adams side.  God made man to be the head (I picture armour) of a woman 1 Corinthians 11:3, and once we step out of our protection and become the head, we are running in a field of bullets without any protection!  This is not just when we step out of our marriage, but when we step out of our chain of command.  "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God" 1 Corintians 11:3." 

Take a look at this in literal terms.  What does a head do?  Pretty much all the thinking and decisions.  The rest of the body obeys the mind.  A headless body is useless.  A head with disobedient legs will go nowhere. A head with obedient legs will not only go far, but be in harmony on the trip. 

Man is made by God to follow his head first. When he begins to follow a woman's commands/suggestions, it's like the body is working backwards.  How can the feet move if the brain doesn't tell it to?  That is similar to the function of a marriage when a woman leads. Leads us straight into nowhere...we can't get off the ground without the head! 

I know most women will say, "Oh you don't know my husband.  He's not a Christian, he makes stupid decisions.  He'll put us into debt!  God is talking about a good christian husband is like a little kid! I can't hand him the reigns. He's the reason we are in the situation we are in!"  

Well, God knew you would go through this and He gave you a promise, "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, (not christian) they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;" 1 Peter 3:1  Yep, it says right here by you obeying your husband and letting him make dumb decisions, he will see God in you by your actions/conversation. You will win his soul to God.  

What a promise He gives us women! Be encouraged! 



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