Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Growing Mom

When I first started homeschooling, I didn't know much of anything.

I still don't!
^That needs a LOL or something.   

But, hey.  I'm learning too! 

The Bible says we are to meditate on scripture day and night. Joshua 1:8.  But somehow, I just have never seen the point in memorization of scriptures.  I have a bible, I can just look it up or even google it.  I read it... so I comprehend it, right?

That same thinking is yet another example of why people like me must stop using human reasoning when approaching the comprehension of scriptures and take them for face value.  Homeschooling Katie has challenged me to push myself past the boredom of repetitiveness.  Memorizing the King James Version of passages and scriptures has truly transformed a part of my heart.  I can't quiet describe how I have a deeper understanding of these passages. If I wouldn't have been forced by our curriculum to memorize these scriptures, I guess I never would have understood the point of memorization.  I read this article about why bible study doesn't transform us. Though I don't know much about the author, what is written in it is truth.

"When all your favorite preachers are gone, and all their books forgotten, you will have your Bible. Master it. Master it." --- John Piper

Learn from a dummy like me! :) Everyday of my life seems to be a testimony to what I have been doing wrong all along!  

Whatcha waitin on?  Go memorize!  :) 

"Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good."

(1 Peter 2:2-3)

I just always want to share a picture :)  Since we are talking about growing.     Awe.    look at how much my little chunky dunk has grown.  I think she was 3 months in this photo!

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