Monday, September 24, 2012

Finish What You Start

"Finish what you started!  Persevere!"  has been screaming loud and clear to us through stories, school lessons, and life lessons. 

Ricky Rabbit finished the race even though he knew he couldn't beat the better runner.  Ace and Racer kept trying to win the championship ping pong game. Paul and Silas persevered and sang praises while in jail.  Even the radio preacher this Sunday spoke about Nehemiah who had to organize and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem.  That was more than a huge task!  All throughout the Bible, story after story, is about normal people~just like us~having to work hard to complete the overwhelming and sometimes impossible.  Today's memory verse is, "We shall reap, if we faint not."  Galatians 6:9

So why have some of us Christians adopted the idea that if it's not easy, it's not from God?  

"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope;and hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost who is given unto us." Romans 5

We can get to that hope if we just start with patience!   

The Word of God couldn't be more alive in this classroom!  A little elbow grease has me savoring every moment of Katie's development.  Watching and listening to her read sends my heart leaping bounds!   Last years, "Finshing what we started" has given us a new wind..fresh confidence in finishing this race!  

Monday, September 17, 2012

Obedience, Trial and Error, and God's Grace

I had a friend say to me, "What does Obedience look like, I don't even know!"

I love how God can take our biggest mistakes and put His Word into action in our lives.  

Here's yet another life lesson we've all learned. 

I've mentioned before in my blog that Katie's job is to feed our dogs.  Our oldest dog, Samantha, has been Katie's pet since she can remember. Charlie has been our sweet little addition.  Some of Sam's most admirable traits is her wonderful patience and temperament.  Samantha would lie still and quiet while Katie would dress her up in children's clothing, scarfs, goggles, name it.  She's often had tea parties in the tent castle with Katie!   (she's tiny for her breed) They've been buds since Katie was about 18 months old!

We have noticed Samantha has become a little aggressive with Charlie.  Now, Charlie is a bit annoying so I understood!  We brought him home as a puppy and he's been terrorizing her since.  Not only that, but now he's bigger than her..and a clutz!  Plus, she's been in heat!  ladies, we know what that's like!  :)   

Saturday, Katie spent all morning outside playing with the dogs.  When she noticed the food bowl was empty, she filled it up.  When she placed the bowl outside, Samantha began circling the bowl attacking at Charlie whenever he came near to eat.  Sam has never liked to share her food with Charlie but human supervision has always corrected this issue.  

I asked Katie to separate the food into two piles.  She came in to let me know that her task had been complete.  I looked outside and noticed Samantha was now guarding both of the piles and attacking at Charlie when he tried to come near. 

"Katie, you may go outside but DO NOT touch the dog's food."  I said to her.  
"Yes maam."  she replied

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tempting Fruit

Before, I have made mention of how our curriculum runs parallel to events and circumstances in our home. Today hit right on as usual!  

Katie told me this morning that she had a terrible dream last night.  She said, "The Devil told me in a dream last night not to obey you and Daddy anymore.  It was so scary but I didn't believe him because I know he's a liar.  I told him 'No! I won't follow you'." 

Katie has God's wisdom beyond her years.   

Today, our curriculum was about how the devil tricked Eve in the garden.  Here's what a part of our story said, "Wicked Satan said, "No, you won't die.  God knows that if you eat from that tree you will become very smart.  You'll know all about good, and all about evil.  You'll be just like gods yourself.......Satan is a liar, and the Bible says he is the father of all liars.  If we lie, who are we acting like?  Yes, Satan.  The Bible says God hates lies, and He loves truth." 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sharpies and Red Pens

I LOVE first grade!  

I think my Katie might just love it too!    

Lot's of writing on the board, teaching to read, writing, excitement, fun games, tests, grades...etc.  

Yesterday, I filled out Katie's work assignments.  Since she rarely asks me to help her read directions anymore (I am guessing she has memorized sight words or is sounding them out), I have to check on her independent work fairly often.  Upon checking her progress, she was already pages past her assignment in Math.  I had no problem with this except that it was a practice exercise to follow up the next two days of math assignments to teach.  Her eagerness excited me!  I love getting the red pen out and grading.  Praising her excellence!  I love everything about school!  Me, her...together...learning! 

I not only love my child, but I like her.  All the time.  Every moment.  Praise be to God.   

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Growing Mom

When I first started homeschooling, I didn't know much of anything.

I still don't!
^That needs a LOL or something.   

But, hey.  I'm learning too! 

The Bible says we are to meditate on scripture day and night. Joshua 1:8.  But somehow, I just have never seen the point in memorization of scriptures.  I have a bible, I can just look it up or even google it.  I read it... so I comprehend it, right?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A New Season

I just love change.  

Katie on the other hand is more her daddy's in that department.  :)  

So with the new grade and new changes, she has been a bit fearful. Being an adult, I have the understanding that a new grade is progression and not just a jumping in feet first to a new world. Remembering back to my childhood, my biggest fear was not knowing the teacher or the new kids.  Somewhere behind that was the fear of what would lie ahead educationally.  

Since Katie has the first 2 fears eliminated, she has expressed her fear to me of what lies ahead educationally.

I would say the grade change has her thinking a bit.  We were driving to the store and Katie said to me, "Mom, what happens after school?"  I said, "Well, you will get married and have children of your own; maybe college?  God will direct your next step and you will know what to do."   She said, "You mean go to another school where you are not my teacher?  I don't want to do that Mom!"   Reality settled in that I will be her teacher until the very end of school!  Ok, so now her fear has a domino effect!!  Yikes!   

Rewind back to the first grade!! :)   Today is her second day of first grade. We are beginning with a little ten week program called ABC's with Ace and Christi.  With this program, she will learn good foundation in forming letters and also other subjects.  Though my little artist can write away, I know it would not be wise to skip this step.  After she finishes these ten weeks, she will be able to read on her own.  Not just recognizing sight words, but she will have the ability to sound out words on her own.  This program is phenomenal in equipping children with a good foundation to read!   She is also learning how to work independently.  She has an accountability goal chart that I fill out at the beginning of the week instructing her of what pages and subjects to accomplish.  
Now, I had my own opinions about children working independently when I began homeschooling.  I felt it to be a negative because it seemed a lazy way to teach children.  To me, it put the teachers/moms involved less and the children more self learning.  But I do believe I was wrong! As adults, we have to be responsible and work at our own pace.  And aren't we always working on growing up?!  Unfortunately.  womp womp. :) 

At the end of the day I asked her how she felt about this new change and if all her fear was over nothing.  She said, "Mom, I miss you reading me the instructions while I answer but I really like doing it on my own too!"  

All in all, Katie is doing so great!  She makes me so proud everyday!  

Sweet Daddy! He'll be our Texas History Teacher soon! :) 

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"  Eccl 3:1