Monday, October 8, 2012

Sit by Me

Today was one of those 'let's take a holiday and get outta the house' days.  We decided on eating lunch out together.   

So we ordered our food, we made our drinks, collected our condiments, and chose the perfect place to sit.  Having the terrible habit of watching people, I usually scout out a seat where, if at all possible, I can have no one in my  view. It helps me to pay better attention to my company at the table.   

This particular side of the restaurant had only 1 lady sitting by herself so I choose to sit her toward my back so I could focus on Miss Katie.  I put Katie's food in front of my chair and she said, "Mom, can I sit by you?"  I began to reason with her sweetly, "Katie, I would rather you sit in front of me so I can see you."  

"I know Mom but pleeeeease?"  

Not fond of the arrangement, I put myself aside and agreed because my little Katie just wanted to sit with me. She always wallers *Texas word* all over me in the restaurants and it's difficult to eat.  LOL  But I gave in. 

"Yes Katie, you may sit by me."  

Katie did not really prefer the food so we had the conversation about some things we have to eat that aren't our favorite.  She did not complain but ate her food...and actually liked it.  She started talking about making organic macaroni and cheese because hers wasn't healthy. :)  I had to explain to her that there's no such thing but we could use some substitutes   te he!  I put a ginormous bite of cheese cake in her mouth.  It was so big she almost had to spit out.  We busted out in laughter!

Then I hear the sound of a phone camera behind me taking a photo.  She couldn't be taking a photo of someone else.  She was alone, right?  Was she just taking a photo of her food to upload to Facebook?  I looked over at Katie. Curiosity just got the best of me.  I turned around.  

Her eyes were filled with tears.  

It's funny how sometimes we just connect with others.  I think we were both trying to fight those tears.  She was about to make my day.  I had to be still and wait.    
I glanced down at her Avon name tag waiting for her to speak, just looking at her.  It wasn't even awkward.  

She said, "When my daughter was her age, I was your age.  We both had long blonde hair like you two.  My daughter is 40 now.  Looking at you two next to each other remind me so much of us.  She was my only child and I have always cherished her so very much."

It seemed as if she was mourning for those moments again. She was speaking as if at one point she lost the heart of her little girl. 

It was one of those minutes where the Lord sat me still and opened my eyes to what He's doing around us.  There were no walls between us, even as strangers.  I just felt at home in that moment with this sweet lady.  Her heart was speaking straight to mine.  

She said, "Sitting back here listening to her.....listen to her politeness and mannerism.  She is an amazing little girl. You know these are the best moments of your life."   

As we sat in conversation speaking of Katie, I was reminded that I have it ALL...I'm not lacking anything. 

Not only was something going on in her, but it was going on in me too.  Sure, we have been trying every month to conceive another child with only failure.  The thought of another little sweet smelling baby makes me all excited inside and I long for it so deeply.  On the other hand, I am completely satisfied with just having Katie. Almost to the point of feeling guilty for being satisfied.  She is the best thing since sliced bread!  What a reminder of the blessings in front of us!  Loving what you have, right when you have it.  And boy, do I love this little girl! 

 Hebrews 1:14: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?"



  1. Cherish every moment with Katie! I cried when reading this, because I am that lady you sit next to as well. I cherish those moments I had with Jeramey (what few they really were)and hold those memories so very close to my heart. Kids grow up so fast..I always say one day they're 8, then 18 (overnight it seems). You love them unconditionally and we grow together. I also have been so blessed with you and Katie! God is good that way! I certainly cherish those moments when I do have the chance and keep y'all close to my heart! I Love Y'all So Much!! Mom & Mimi

  2. I knew you would cry! :) We love you so very much!
