Friday, October 5, 2012


Raise your hand if you ever thought homeschooled children are sheltered!  If we were on webcam, you would see one guilty woman in front of the computer.  

I used to think homeschool was lame and so were the dorks who were homeschooled. 

I assure you, I don't anymore.

Yes Katie is sheltered from harm. But from real life, hardly.  Let me tell you why. 

Since Jeramey and I went through a separation and attempted divorce, we have been provided with a constant stream of wonderful couples with failing marriages. Just when I think we've earned only a friend, it turns out the Lord has given us not only wonderful friends, but a marriage in need of the God's intervention.  When God gives you something special, you know it's because He has a purpose.  We are just rubble God has somehow used for building.  He doesn't need us, but we are useful for those doubters who need to see to believe.   

That being said, Katie has witnessed a lot of struggling marriages that at some point were separated.  She has seen success and fail. Praise be to God for the success! 

Katie is my faithful prayer partner that I am constantly reaching out to with specifics on these couples for prayer. She rides the up and down roller-coaster with us during the most critical times of prayer for divorcees.  Katie has a pretty long list of answered prayers and her faith is great. Hence, I always turn to her.  

I've said it before, I'll say it again!  Life always correlates with our curriculum lesson for the day. Our memory verse for this week is "Bear ye one another's burdens"  Galatians 6:2 

As we were working on school, I said to Katie, "Please finish up your P.A.C.E, we need to have school finished before Daddy gets home for dinner."  She inquired, "Why?  Daddy has never said he doesn't like it when we do school while he's home."  I said sweetly, "Dear Katie...there are some things your husband shouldn't have to say.  When Daddy is at work, we work.  When Daddy relaxes at home, we relax with him.  Daddy is a very reasonable man.  I do this because our time with him is so very special. I want him to know that."  

Her response was incredible.  She said, "Mom, how will I know these things about my husband?  Are you sure he doesn't like it?  I want to ask him when he gets home. I don't want my marriage to end up like "so and so's"  marriage. How will I know what to do?"   (so and so is to protect the name of the marriage she was referring to) I made a commitment to her that very minute that I would teach her everything I knew.  That if she would listen and believe, she would have a wonderful marriage.   
Whew! Are any of us truly qualified for that task?  Lord help us all. 

Timing is everything!  
The story to follow was about Petey Peacock who just didn't believe what he was told. Instead of believing the "Wet Paint" sign, he had to touch for himself.  Instead of believing his Mom when she announced the stove is hot, his little feathers ended up with a bandage. :(  Of course, the grand finale!  It ended with the story of "Thomas the doubter" who had to see the scars in risen Jesus' hands before he would believe.  The story instructed us to listen to Godly counsel.  Don't ever question if you are in the right moment at the right time. 

You are. 

 "Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come"  Proverbs 31:25

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