Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Tribute to Katie

I am blessed with a wonderful 8 year old child!

So here we are at the close of yet another year.
I enjoy homeschooling! Mainly because of the person she is becoming.  Sure, she's smart.  But her character is of integrity.  No social hindrances.  She dreams big dreams.  She's a loyal friend.

To pay a tribute to her and the close of 2nd grade, I am sharing some of her greatest attributes that continue to develop:

1. She enjoys people...from newborns to 90 year olds.  She loves going to sewing class and designing quilts with the "sewing sisters". (A group of older ladies who sew at the church)  The first quilt she made was for her baby cousin Charity.


2. Because of her genuine love for God's creatures, she volunteers at a pet adoption center at least one day a week cleaning and caring for homeless animals.  She dreams of being a vet someday.

3. She is a fancy gal and prefers to wear skirts.  Jeans give her wedgies she says. :)   Katie dresses modestly by her own personal choice.  She will make a friend who has never worn a dress or skirt and give them one as a gift!

4. She calls her mom her best friend.

5. She stands for what she believes and is careful not to offend.

Because she doesn't believe in celebrating Halloween, she didn't wear a costume by her own choice.  

6.  She asks Mom for advice on life issues.  Usually over lunch. :)

7. Always a willing hand in the kitchen.  Some of our most cherished conversations have occurred gathered around the stove.

She makes good fried pies! 

8.  9 times out of 10 you can catch her caring for a furry friend.  And furry people just looooove her. :)

9. She's always up for an adventure! 

Soap making at Aunt Kelly's. 

10. She has an eagerness to do her best!

Year end grades:

Math                                            95
English                                          97
Word Building                              98
Lit and Creative Writing                97  
Science                                        99
Social Studies                              99
Bible Reading                              99 

Congratulations Katie on another successful year of hard work! 

Mom: Katie, what is your favorite part of 2nd grade?
Katie: "My favorite thing about 2nd grade was mostly literature. Oh, and I'm starting to like Math! Mostly my favorite favorite is social studies and science.  

Mom: What is the most interesting thing you learned this year?
Katie: "The most interesting thing I learned this year was about my eyes and senses. Oh and don't forget my favorite out of all grades-I think that 2nd grade is the best". 

Mom: What are you looking forward to learning next year?
Katie: "I am looking forward to learning to spell better in 3rd grade. I usually like to read stories from Bible reading and answering the questions too."  


  1. Katie is a very special and caring person. We are all so proud of her! Katie is independent and unique in her own spirit, and has so much compassion for others. Katie's parents are doing a great job raising and teaching her to follow her dreams and God. We love Miss Katie so much!!! Mimi & Pawpaw

    1. "I miss you too and I am so looking forward to seeing you. I love you" ~Katie
