Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pregnant Kitty

If you've ever met my Katie, she enjoys life.  Not just her own life, but she celebrates new life.

 Sprouting seeds make her joyful.  A pretty flower growing, she can't resist.  Babies, new puppies-she loves it all! It's contagious.  

While on vacation, my Mom was taking care of the animals.  She informed me that Grace, our runt kitty, was pregnant. I noticed they both had been growing and gaining weight but was shocked when we returned to a very large runt kitty belly!  

Katie and I both celebrated!  Katie began constructing a birthing center for her immediately.  :)  We watch the little kitties kick around while she naps on the front porch rocking chair.  She waddles around the property lazily.  Did you know cats have morning sickness just like humans?  We are so eager to see the little bundles! Katie checks her nipples and gently feels her stomach daily.  She is like a doula to the pregnant kitty! Did I mention Katie dreams of being a vet?!

When we brought Grace and Ginger home, Jeramey and I decided to plan on getting the them spayed.  Mainly because we don't want a cat farm!  

Since Grace became pregnant, we decided to follow our plans to get Ginger (the other kitty) spayed before she became pregnant too.     

The morning of Ginger's spay appointment, we woke up bright and early to get her to her appointment on time.  On the way over Katie said to me, "Mom, I don't think this is right.  I don't think we should get her fixed.  We are taking away her purpose in life."  Those words reached my heart.  Being a mother, I did feel sadness. Logic kept the gas petal going though.      

The whole way over, we both were sad.  Katie pleaded with me again while we were in line to turn in her paperwork.  I told the vet tech that her sister was pregnant and that Ginger didn't appear pregnant to me.  I explained to her that we wanted to stop the surgery if they discovered she was pregnant.  Just to call us and we would do the surgery after the birth! Since it was a low cost spay clinic, they had no x-ray machines to verify she wasn't pregnant.  The only way to know would be after they made the incision, and by then it was too late. I made the call to leave her convinced she wasn't pregnant yet.  Katie verbally worried the whole way home like a mother dropping off her child.  "Mom, I just don't trust those people to take care of her.  Can't we stay?  Can't we watch and make sure she's ok? We don't have to do this mom!"  

We got a call around 2:00 from the spay call center.  They told us the surgery was finished.  Then came the sad news that Ginger was "advanced pregnant".  I called Katie down to share the sad news with her.  The crazy thing about all this is that at some point in my walk with God, I've regarded life so differently.  For some people, this news would be no big deal.  For Katie and I, we cried and grieved for the baby kitties.  I sat down on the foot stool in the kitchen as she stood over me with her sweet forgiving demeanor.  

The reason I am writing this is because my daughter is 8. I fully expected a scolding from her since she was against it from the beginning.  But in her graciousness, she gently said to me, "Mom, I prayed that God will forgive us for what we've done."  I said "Honey, this isn't your burden to carry."  She just hugged and comforted me and bore the burden alongside me.

What a blessing it is to share my life with her.

"Brethren, if a man be overtaken with fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens." Galatians 6:1-2 

Grace (black) and Ginger 

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