Monday, October 7, 2013

The Prodigal Kitty


When talk of buying a house with land began, we all discussed some goals and ideas of what we wanted in a property. Katie didn't care too much about square footage or land was mostly, "Can we have a kitty?"  Well, if any of you have a little girl, that subject really never dies! 
We agreed to a kitty.
Our farmer offered to give us some spare kitties running around her farm, but as timing was a concern, they grew older and became too wild to catch.  So one day, my husband called us and told me to load up and come over to his work.  He surprised us with a batch of baby kitties being raised by the guys in the body shop at work.  As we beheld the sweet kitties, my husband said " They haven't seen the mom in about 3 days. The guys have been feeding them. Ya'll pick one."  Of course, I picked up the black little runt.  Just a tiny little thing!  Katie found a sweet little fluffy grey one!  We snuggled the kitties and looked over at Jeramey and he said, "Ok, Ok, you girls can get both!" 
Ginger (grey) and Grace (runt-black) The day we brought them home. 
We took the kitties straight to the vet who said they looked to be about 4-5 weeks and in good health.  So we kept them inside until they were old enough to protect themselves.  We tortured them with sweet hugs, dress ups, and pretend grocery store runs. :)
Grace (left) has never really been into snuggling.  Ginger (right) is a snuggle queen.  :)
The black kitty (runt) we named Grace and the grey kitty we named Ginger. Wherever Ginger goes, Grace is sure to follow!  If Ginger gets far from Grace, Grace will cry and whine until Ginger hears her and comes back. It's really odd that Grace has such a need for Ginger because she really isn't the cuddling type.  She's pretty busy!  
The first night we sent them to live outside, they spent the majority of the time with their tails all fluffed up...sensing danger all around.  But as time passed, they began to feel at home on the porch.  Our sweet dog Charlie is a blue heeler, so he is continually herding them up! Grace has no fear of him, barely even acknowledges his existence...and oddly enough, Charlie leaves her alone.
One morning, Charlie was out of his pen.  Grace was outside whining and crying.  There was no sign of Ginger.  This was not normal at all.  If she hears the door open, she runs to us! So we went searching high and low all afternoon into the night.  We walked the property looking and calling "Ginger" with Grace tagging along kitty calling Ginger too! We checked everywhere. She wasn't hiding in shed, under house, or in the vehicles...We checked nearby properties, had the neighbors check in their garage and pool.  Still nothing.  
My husband asked me to bring Grace in when we went to bed to make sure she didn't go off to look for Ginger.  So we did.  She howled and moaned and cried in the house for Ginger.  Around midnight, I went outside because I thought of one place that I didn't check.  So I checked with no success. I did one last call for Ginger. And here she came....running up to me!  I woke Katie up and we rejoiced.  Katie cried while she held her.  She said a prayer, "God, I prayed for you to find Ginger like more than 10 times.  Thank you for bringing her home."

Here they are the next morning. Grace is not letting Ginger out of her sight!

"Ginger had been lost for a long time.  Mommy woke me up and I found her.  And I hugged her tight into my arms...smiling so happy. Especially she is a sweet cat. Ginger is my best and favorite kitty...but also Grace too.  As you can see, she's not letting her go away. Good news is, we found her!" ~Katie

"A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."  Proverbs 12:10

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