Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tips of the Trade

While I am still a babe at Homeschooling, I've learned a few tricks here and there.  Spending time listening to other homeschool moms has helped me learn stressers.  Though I am still growing, I feel we have a decently well oiled machine. While many have different ways to teach, I'd like to share some things that have made our lives simpler. 

A mother recently said, "I have let the housework go because I just don't have time with teaching my children."
Want to free up some time? Pick a curriculum that is realistic. It's easy to feel guilty that your children are missing out on something because they aren't doing the "norm" as other children.  They will love school when you love school. A stressed out mother with a cluttered house and cluttered mind is not a fun teacher. When your house is filthy dirty, you are defeating the purpose of teaching your kids to take care of all their responsibilities and manage time properly.  Remember, we lead by example. 

Try using a curriculum that is a "work horse."  That means something that is dependable, ready to use, and requires little preparation.  Is it true that your children can get a good education without you spending your life away lesson planning?  YES! If  you live a realistic life and want your kids to experience learning housework duties, cooking, fun, play time, and time management in a peaceful environment, then choose a curriculum that is a work horse. The children set their goals, they work, you assist, and then we all go on with life. It doesn't involve tons of planning, it's learning at their own pace and enjoyment. Our curriculum is made up of tiny paper work books that we change out weekly or once completed.  On the go, it weighs only ounces.  

Has your husband reconsidered your homeschool approach?  Has he talked to you about putting the kids in school now?  Are you on the last leg, begging him to reconsider?  Consider that you may be doing all too often one or more of the following: 

1. Complaining to your husband about how "tough" your day was with the kids? 
2. Do you apologize on a weekly basis for dinner being late, or dinner just not being cooked at all?
3. Does your husband come home to a dirty cluttered house?  Does he start helping you clean the house?
4. Does your husband come home to misbehaved, uncooperative children?

If so, then what you are doing is not working.  Not for you, not for your children, or your husband.  When he walks in, he observes a stressed out home. And trust me, everyone who walks in feels the same.  Do you go to other peoples homes and envy the peace they have?  Start asking yourself why they are different.  Then, start asking them what they do. 

When your husband comes home to a dirty house, no dinner, unruly children, and a long faced woman full of complaints, he is faced with the sad fact that you are not happy.  The stressed look on your face tells it all even if you try to hide it. We complain to try to show them how hard we have worked on school because the evidence all around appears we have done nothing all day.  You continue to "defend yourself" while your over achieving-ridiculously time consuming curriculum has taught your children everything they'll forget. They are learning nothing about real life...the whole point of homeschooling in the beginning. Your husband is starting to realize there is no difference in traditional school than what is going on at your home; and sweet mother..HE IS RIGHTThe only difference is that if your kids were in traditional school,  your house would be clean and peaceful! If this is you, you can start now making changes! Start simplifying. The result will be less to complain about and more free time to balance your responsibilities!  Take from areas that are too consuming.  That will bring peace to your home: the most important element.  Turn on some classical music, sit the children down at the table with their workbooks, and enjoy life with them.

"but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,  gentleness, goodness, faith..." Galatians 5:22

Question your approach but don't question if homeschooling is for you.  A wise woman once said to me in my questioning, "Did God give your child to you?  Life is the sure creation of God, perfectly assigned.  And if He gave her to you, He knew you to be capable of teaching her." 

The goal is to spend less time planning school and more time with your children.  You will have more time to teach them to behave, to cook, to clean, to play, to imagine, to create!  But mother, the most important is they will witness your peaceful balanced life. They will be practicing for their future balanced homes.  

Nobody has perfect children, perfect school ethics , or a perfect home....but we can determine to spend our time practicing. 


"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22 

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