Friday, February 22, 2013

The Farmer and The Dell

Katie sweet talked our local farmer into letting us come work on the farm.  With our family on the lookout and planning for future land purchase, I would say we need all the help we can get!

Since we buy our meat and milk from this farm, it was even more cool to see how our milk is processed; from the cow to the jug! 

Katie helped prepare the grain to lure the diary cows in for milking!

They knew what time it was.  Everybody lined up.
Number 41 won 1st place at the 2013 Fort Worth Stock Show for the Holstein breed. I believe she is a returning champ.

Counting the cows, making sure all the dairy cows showed. 

The white one is the bull!  He got the boot!
Katie stacked the feed buckets.  
Our Farmer holding Katie to hand milk the cow.

Lola, the infamous rebel of the group, peed on us!

Katie feeding the calf

These are twin calves

Campbells Classic Dairy website

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww that's so sweet and what a learning experience for Katie. I beleive more children should have access or actually be raised in this type of environment. I was so fortunate to grow up on a large farm in Texas and I learned so much. For most the thought it's the simple life, but it's really hard work but so rewarding at the same time. I'm so glad y'all had the opportunity and know you'll find your country home soon. Love Y'all Mimi
