Thursday, January 31, 2013

Arbuckle Wilderness

We went to Arbuckle Wilderness!   

Since kindergarten, we've been learning about all these animals.  Exciting fictional stories and known facts.   It was soooooo cool to see them in person eating from our hands!  I just had to share the pics!  

Katie would point excitedly and say, "Momma momma, it's like Emil Emu from the story!"  
Katie's favorite pic.

Minature Sicilian Donkey.  It was said to be a white Sicilian donkey that Jesus rode through the streets of Jerusalem when he made his triumphant entry on Palm Sunday. 

The Addax is critcally endangered.  

This species is called the Katie.  Very sweet natured.  Likes to snack a lot.  :) 

The Emu!  Emu's are famous for the booming sound they make!  Powerful birds!  

Daddy is feeding the Emu 
Daddy called this "gangster" Llama because it stole his cup! 


Camel up close! 

They are CRAZY!  I only fed the horse with my hand! 

I love love love these two! 

Fallow  Deer.  They remind me of peace.  

 Can anybody guess what Jeramey named this llama?  That's right.  Tina Turner 

So after Tina......came Corn Roll :)  

Indu.  This was only the beginning of the window licking. 

Indu has the largest ears of any cattle breed.  

American Bison is the largest land animal in North America.  He was HUGE! 

Markhor is of the goat family and is on the endangered list. 

Turner Falls

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." Genesis 1:28


  1. Awwww, looks like y'all had a great time. Katie's favorite pic is one of my favorite too, well except for the ones with ya'll in them! Maybe me and Pawpaw can make the trip there one day. I know he would love it!
    Love Y'all! Mimi & Pawpaw

    1. We did! We had a blast! Its about a 3 hour drive from Fort Worth so maybe we can make a day of it! Love yall
