Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Butter is For The Birds Part 2

Our nice wonderful day turned into a nightmare.  Why, you may ask? We picked up Katie's animal science book.  And guess what?  They want us to make butter.

AHHHH!  Don't panic.  You can do this.  AHHHH!

Well, you may wonder why the dramatic theatrics but last time we tried to make butter, I almost pulled my hair out.  See Churning Butter is For The Birds for more details.

Truly, I had just given up on making butter.  Or at least put it in the back of my mind.

Well, there's a joke around here.
Once upon a time, young princess Katie was telling The King (Dad) what to do.
So The King Hubby said to the young princess, "Hey, I don't take orders from no 2 year old". (yes, bad grammar.  He's a Southern Ruler.)
The palace dwellers all laughed (She was at the royal age of 7).
The young princess is now called a 2 year old.  (Occasionally)
The end.

We are just silly that way.

Anyway, the 2 year old showed up Mom today in the kitchen.

She dove in with no fear.

Here we go

Start Blending 
Beginning to thicken 

Will it ever turn?  

Hallelujah, there's hope! 
It's separating.  Wait for it......
Splash.  Buttermilk right in our eyes! Who cares.  We have BUTTER!   
Woot Woot! 
Smash the buttermilk out!  Get outta here buttermilk, we're looking for the butter. 
Butter, oh butter, where have you been?  We have waited to see you for so long. 
Bam. Finished.  
And now butter, we must eat you.  
Katie.  My hero.  

Not too shabby for a 2 year old!

"It was fun making butter.  I'm glad we get to eat it! Woot Woot!" ~Princess Katie