Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's the Little Things....

Some days the drudgery of the same ol' same ol' gets to us.  We can either fall into the same ol' same ol' pit....OR....we can find joy in the little things.   

I don't always write about homeschool ideas or homeschool tips.  Sometimes it's the little things that keeps me going.  The things I would miss if she wasn't with me all the time. 

Let me tell you a fun story. 

My husband is a country boy.  Not a dumb country boy like the typical stereotype.  He's an intelligent, hard working country boy with a cute accent. 

I have always joked with my handsome husband about his big (ger than normal) nose, extra long eyebrows (you know, the grandpa kind that curl up when they get too long), and his thick accent. 

So when I was pregnant with Katie, he would threaten me that she was going to have all those features of his!  Then he would talk in this horrifying high pitch back woods country voice and swear she was going to talk like that for her first words. 

Vanity...I know.  Lord forgive me.

But one good blow from the air conditioner could cause a wreck in the car if we don't keep his eyebrows trimmed!

Well, he was right (minus the voice).  She has all those features of his. He makes a beautiful girl :)

So today we were face painting.  The face paint got all over her eyebrows...and I mean thick!  So I was rubbing and rubbing and it just wouldn't come out.  I noticed her eyebrows were really long. I thought a trim could help us out a little.

"Katie, you're eyebrows are just like Daddy's. Baby, how can you see?" I smiled picking at her a little.  "Let me trim them real quick."

Katie says, "Noooooo Mom.  I like being like Daddy." 

I pulled her close to me and she wrapped her hands around my waist.  I looked down at her pretty little face and said softly, "Honey, I love that you are just like Daddy.  Did you know Daddy asks me to trim his eyebrows?"

She smiled and willingly submitted to a good ol' fashion Whitehouse eyebrow trimming session.  

When it was over, she hugged me tightly and said, "Mom, you're my best friend."

Just like Daddy.  A little eyebrow trimming transforms the soul. (and vision)

I am so glad she's just like Daddy.

"He's a nice Daddy. And I love him so. He's my favorite man. He's the best of all. I love my Daddy.  Especially mom.  He's worth every little bit I know." ~Katie

"The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him" Proverbs 20:7