Friday, September 13, 2013

Acting Out

While Katie does act out at times, I am not talking about the behavioral acting out today. :)

We use the King James Version for study which can be a little daunting to even the most educated adult.  Thank God for the dictionary! There are many Bible versions out there that interpret the King James Version but not all of them are accurate.  Some don't even come close.  So, since I have the opportunity to root her at a young age in KJV, I am taking full advantage.

More times than we would like to admit,  the two of us will have difficulty understanding certain passages or even a story line.  We hit the dictionary for confusing words, and then we act it out!

Today, Katie's difficulty was not a KJV passage but instead a story about sheep in Animal Science.  The story read like this:
" Sometimes a sheep will stray away.  A straying sheep can become cast and die within a few hours. A cast sheep is one which has turned over on it's back and cannot get back upon its feet. Sometimes a fat sheep with long fleece will lie down in a low place on the ground.  The sheep will roll far enough on one side that its feet do not touch the ground.  The sheep begins to kick but finds that it cannot rise to its feet. When the shepherd finds the cast sheep, he helps it get back on it's feet.  Sometimes he has to rub the sheep's legs.  After a while, the sheep begins to walk and then run."

After reading the story,  it came time to answer the fill in the blank questions on the next page.  I noticed her scrambling and re reading the story to find the right answers.  Usually, when your child is trying to look up the answers, it's because they are not comprehending the story.  If the story is comprehended, the answers will come easily.

I said to Katie, "Okay, I'll be the shepherd and you'll be the sheep." So as I read the story, I asked her to act like the sheep."  After that, she was whizzing through the questions without stumbling.

When all else fails, just act it out!

"Katie, do you want to kiss the fish before we throw it back in?" ~Eli Genung 

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