Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Stop And Smell Your Kids

Another year has come and is leaving just as quickly as it came.  It's bittersweet to watch my baby grow.  In 2 short months she will be 10 years old.

I saw this book called, "Stop And Smell Your Children"  I chuckled a bit at the visual that flashed through my mind. While I know nothing about the author or the book itself, I totally got the title.  

We all need to be challenged to savor every moment with our kids.  Thank God there is today handed to us.  One more day to do better.   

Though we've found ourselves taking a little vacation from "learning" for the Holidays, it's hard to change a lifestyle of learning.  We've found ourselves itching for new information. We've ridden up and down the gold mirrored elevator of our town's Historical library twice this past week to visit the vibrantly painted basement where all the children's books are tucked away orderly.  Built in 1912 and classically styled from that era, the library reflects all the things Katie.  The architectural touches and craftsmanship tell the story of a lifestyle long passed that puts a sparkle of wonder and amazement in that little girl's eyes every time she opens the towering wooden doors.  The books are full of adventures waiting to be had.  As I watch her light up, I wonder how in the world I've been given such a gem.  We breathe a sigh of relief when we see the familiar faces of the librarians greeting our arrival.  It's comforting to be in a place where learning is embraced and accepted no matter one's path.
She tells them hi and skips along straight for the bookshelf full of Hank The Cowdog books.  It's more than just an entertaining series of adventures to her, it's a legacy passed down from Daddy.  She'll move onto browse the animal breed and behavior books.  Occasionally she'll chose something artsy.  A good science read is rarely overlooked. She always feels like there is just not enough in her stack as she hands the books over to the librarian to be checked out.  While she scans the books, they will chat about her animals and the upcoming town events.  The librarian will tip her off to a good horse training book and she will take interest wishing she had just one more spot open. 

When I look at her, I see big things in her future.  When I reflect over the last almost 5 years of homeschooling, I think of all the moments I would have missed.  At the time I made the decision to homeschool, it seemed like a great sacrifice to be giving of my wants and freedoms.  Could I have ever predicted that it would've been one of the greatest pleasures of my lifetime?  Not in a million years!   

Katie picking corn