Monday, August 4, 2014

School's Back In Session

We are back in school!

We had a fun summer.

My husband put a pool up.  Let me tell you about a labor of love!  Our property is on a slant with a large creek drop off in the back.  It was no easy task! Sand, front loaders, landscaping timbers, family and friends describes the scenery of the adventure of leveling out a spot.  We have truly enjoyed it! We better have!

My hard working nephews driving me around in a riding mower cart!  The driver is Jude, 8 yrs old.   These responsible boys hauled a lot of sand to help with pool. 

Also, we spent 3-4 days a week volunteering at a local animal adoption center. Katie has a special talent when it comes to animals.  We initially began this to gain experience as she aspires to become a Veterinarian.  Almost all volunteer organizations, especially government operated, discourage volunteers that are 18 and under.  However, this organization cherishes children and gives the young ones very important jobs and tasks.  She was welcomed and jumped right on in as part of the team.  One of the managers made a special call to Katie asking if she could come play with one of the small kitties who needed to socialize with children.  They believe that exposing the animals to children while in the shelter is beneficial and develops a positive temperament in the animals toward children.  These animals who are socialized with children have a good chance of comfortably being placed in homes with kiddos.  Animals really learn to enjoy the little ones when they are the hands that feed and love them!

However, we have taken so much more from this place than experience with animals. Not only has she learned responsibility with caring for the animals, it has given her additional experience in hard work.  She scoops up poop which is exceptional for an 8 year old girl with an overactive gag reflex! She is a faithful dishwasher, experienced laundry folder, and great at mopping! But it's not a chore for her, she enjoys it.  Katie is pleasant to work with and I have truly treasured our experiences together.          

We have challenged ourselves to designate one weekday to continue volunteer work and sewing classes.  Hence...why we have made the decision to start school a little early!

Some of our furry friends! 

We planted a garden in the spring and have been harvesting daily.  We plan to build a greenhouse before the fall!

A day's harvest! 
The horses like to lay by the garden.  They don't eat it! 

We have made additional goals this school year aside from academic.  We have agreed to go to the gym together at least 3-4 days during the weekday.  Luckily our local gym is privately owned and has given Katie special permission to work out on the equipment.  Which isn't always such a good thing because she is a serious personal training beast who doesn't cut me any slack! ;-)

We are still using the same A.C.E curriculum that we both enjoy.  Her studies are the perfect balance. Freedom to learn on her own while still needing my assistance and instruction frequently.
She sets her goals. I coach and encourage her to meet those goals answering questions along the way.  We are going on our 4th year without growing weary!  Also my sister with 5 kids is still managing well on this curriculum.

One of the greatest reasons why I enjoy A.C.E is that it teaches courteous manners that have been lost or aren't commonly practiced by young children.  Simple manners, for instance, the little boys letting the girls go first.  (Her Dad is the perfect tangible example of this!)  It's not taught as a snobbish expected standard by woman, it's about the young man humbly giving of himself for another young lady.  Little girls also give of themselves by stopping their play to help little sister find a lost doll or running to a child who is injured to help.  

It also teaches traditional Biblical ways of living that aren't so common in today's world but are 100% achievable.  There is a story line that has started since kindergarten about a little boy who attends a private christian school.  It's not far fetched like he lives in a perfect world. Though the main character's family has a traditional way of living, he has friends in the school who do not have traditional family homes.  Some have parents who live separately.  Some live in mobile home communities or apartments. They don't accuse or make the suggestion that these are inferior ways to live either.  It teaches common occurrences in this world yet the main character stays true to his own values and even teaches the new kids by example how to live a righteous life.  Such as a new school member who doesn't let the girls goes first but is pondering why the main character lets girls go first.  It's not that this little boy is evil, it's about the main character gently shepherding him in the right direction while embracing him as a friend.  I guess we shall find out in the years to come if his actions can win over this little boy.  I can say that is her biggest excitement about starting school again is to see what's going to happen with the characters while she learns!

Let the school work begin!

"Surprisingly my mom is learning so much more than I have learned.  At the shelter, all my furry friends act weird sometimes!  Sometimes Sylva will act like a sweetie and the next minute she's like a mean torture animal!  My favorite is Molly.  She was a sick kitty, but now she's better! I can't wait to see our new friend Barnie coming in tomorrow! They are going to be roomates. "~Katie

Crazy Sylva!

 He's so tall! We seem to loose his head in pictures!